Walker Jones Valuation Reports

Walker Jones offer a Valuation service in respect of Residential, Non-Residential and Semi-Commercial property for various purposes, such as:-

  • Pre-Purchase (but not for Lending/Mortgage)
  • Divorce/Matrimonial/Family Settlement
  • Probate, Inheritance Tax or Capital Gains Tax reasons
  • Disputes (such as boundary or rights-of-way issues)
  • Consequences of dividing or combining (Marriage Value) a property
  • Ascertaining effects of Restrictive Covenants
A black and white drawing of a telephone on a white background.

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Valuations of Residential & Semi-Commercial Property

A standard ‘Walker Jones Valuation Report’ is based upon a brief inspection of the property. This level of Report is similar in level of inspection and reporting to Valuation Reports commissioned for Banks, Building Societies and Financial Institutions.

However, along with many other firms of Chartered Surveyors we no longer provide specific reports for Lenders and our Valuation Reports cannot therefore be used to obtain mortgage or Lender finance.

A ‘Walker Jones Valuation Report’ is more limited in ascertaining and reporting the condition of a property when compared with a ‘Walker Jones Homebuyer Property Survey with or without Valuation‘ or a ‘Walker Jones Building Survey with or without Valuation‘; potential buyers should not rely solely on information provided in a Valuation Report when deciding whether or not to proceed with a purchase.

A large stone building with many windows and a red door
A car is parked in front of a house with the door open.

Types of Residential Property on which we can undertake a ‘Walker Jones Valuation Report’

Walker Jones can carry out a Valuation Report on most types of residential property and of any age or period. Property types include humble cottages, flats, apartments, terraced houses, detached houses, Farm House styles with land and Grande Mansions.

We carry out Valuation Reports on many Listed Buildings. Properties may have ‘Vacant Possession’ or be subject to the occupancy of tenants (or part subject to). In cases of tenant occupancy or with the purchase of flats rental levels, terms of lease/occupancy, service and management charges will need to be considered. 

We offer competitive Fees and a prompt and efficient reporting period, usually within 7-10 days (subject to access).

Valuations of Non-Residential or Semi-Commercial Properties

We undertake valuations on a range of non-residential or Semi-Commercial property, subject to Client requirements and suitability. These may include:-

  • Semi-Commercial Properties – for example a flat or living accommodation which includes a shop or office.
  • Small areas of Land – often with little commercial use but of historical importance such as ancient ruins, or for potential use as an access strip.
  • Area of Garden Land – such as for possible transfer to or purchase by a neighbour.
  • Area of Land which is the subject of dispute – such as boundary or rights-of-way issues or land without formal Title or with Possessary Title.

A concrete structure in the middle of a grassy field with trees in the background.

Cold War Bunker -- This was in respect of an Application for Citizenship Valuation we had to undertake. Unusual, but reflects the diversity of our Property Valuation expertise

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